Courier-Tribune August 31, 2024 article, "Superintendent Stephen Gainey issues call for sportsmanship"
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
Sportsmanship article in Courier Tribune
Sportsmanship article page 2
Sportsmanship article page 3
Sportsmanship article page 4
Play the right way
Congratulations to Elizabeth Tillery, English teacher at Trinity High School, for being named RCSS 2024-2025 Teacher of the Year!
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
Teacher of the Year 24-25
CFNC's College Application Week will be October 21-27. Many colleges and universities in North Carolina let high school seniors apply for FREE if they use the College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC) website. This helps students save money and get support during the college application process.
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
College Application Week
Here's a positive story from Coleridge Elementary! Coleridge Elementary had its first "Free Book Friday" today and it was a HUGE success!! At Coleridge, they believe every child should have the gift of literacy. Having books available for students to take home each Friday is just one way we develop and support their love of reading! 📚 💙🚀
6 months ago, Randolph County School System
Coleridge Free Book Friday!
Coleridge Free Book Friday!
Coleridge Free Book Friday!
Coleridge Free Book Friday!
Coleridge Free Book Friday!
Coleridge Free Book Friday!
Coleridge Free Book Friday!
Coleridge Free Book Friday!
Coleridge Free Book Friday!
WHS kicked off "Strive 95" this week. "Strive 95" is a mission to move WHS to an A school (85) as recognized by the NCPDI School Performance Grade over a three year period. All students have been challenged to excel in attendance, graduation requirements, and ACT WorkKeys. This effort is to prepare students to be career-ready upon graduation.
6 months ago, Randolph County School System
Strive 95 WHS initiative
Strive 95 WHS initiative
Strive 95 WHS initiative
Strive 95 WHS initiative
Strive 95 WHS initiative
Strive 95 WHS initiative
Strive 95 WHS initiative
Strive 95 WHS initiative
Strive 95 WHS initiative
The Randolph County Probation office dropped off school supply donations this week for the Randolph County School System. Thank you Chief Campbell and Chief Pittman for bringing the box of supplies!
6 months ago, Randolph County School System
RC Probation school supply donations
RCSS School Nutrition had its yearly beginning-of-the-year meeting last week prior to the start of school. We appreciate our school nutrition department for all they do to make sure our students are fed each day!
6 months ago, Randolph County School System
RCSS School Nutrition BOY meeting
RCSS School Nutrition BOY meeting
RCSS School Nutrition BOY meeting
RCSS School Nutrition BOY meeting
RCSS School Nutrition BOY meeting - Kelly Green
RCSS School Nutrition BOY meeting
RCSS School Nutrition BOY meeting
RCSS School Nutrition BOY meeting
RCSS School Nutrition BOY meeting
Here's a positive story for your Wednesday morning! Trinity High School Band “Trinity Blue Crew” provided entertainment at Archdale Elementary School's Open House last week. The band assisted in creating a fun and positive atmosphere to “kick-off” the new year!
6 months ago, Randolph County School System
THS Band at AES Open House
THS Band at AES Open House
THS Band at AES Open House
Trinity Blue Crew Band
A BIG thank you to Books-A-Million, located at Randolph Mall for $3,000 worth of book donations for the Randolph County School System! Books-A-Million held a summer book drive from July 21-August 18. Customers purchased books and donated them back to RCSS. Thank you to everyone who contributed!
6 months ago, Randolph County School System
boxes of book donations
Donation of books
Today was the first day of the 2024-2025 school for the Randolph County School System. It was a great day!
6 months ago, Randolph County School System
Franklinville Elementary School
Franklinville Cafeteria
Franklinville class working
Ramseur class working
Ramseur class working
SERMS class working
SERMS students at lockers
THS back to class
THS Principal, Dr. Toth
Ramseur class working
Over the summer this group of Wheatmore High School students organized a school supply drive. They set up donation sites at several locations and today they delivered donated supplies to the Hive! We are so grateful to these AMAZING students and our generous community who supported their drive. Thank you Paige S, Mark T, Daylin L, Brandon F, and Dakota L!
6 months ago, Randolph County School System
Hopewell Elementary donations
Middle school open house was held last night for the RCSS. Here are some pictures from Northeastern Randolph Middle School, Randleman Middle School, Southeastern Randolph Middle School & Wheatmore Middle School. The first day of school is Monday, August 26, it's coming fast!
6 months ago, Randolph County School System
WMS Open House
NERMS Students
NERMS open house
RMS Cheerleaders
RMS staff
RMS open house
SERMS Open house
SERMS open house
WMS Open House
Trinity High school students Delaney Lorenz and Kaylyn Peele gave back to their elementary schools with 2 backpacks full of supplies for each grade level.  Delaney attended John Lawrence Elementary and Kaylyn went to Archdale Elementary. Thank you ladies for giving back!
6 months ago, Randolph County School System
THS students giving school supplies to JLES & AES
Recognized at tonight's Board of Education meeting: 2024 RCSS National Beta Winners: Read more about it here:
6 months ago, Randolph County School System
RECHS National Beta winners
RECHS National Beta winners
RECHS National Beta winners
Thank you to Asheboro and Randleman Walmarts!!! These two pictures are from our FIRST school supply pickup today from WFMY NEWS 2 Tools for School supply drive. We appreciate the generous contributions from our local communities. School supplies benefit students in the Randolph County School System. WFMY is conducting its Tools for Schools now through September 9th. To donate to the RCSS, please drop off school supplies at the Asheboro Walmart or the Randleman Walmart. Thank you in advance!
6 months ago, Randolph County School System
Asheboro Walmart Tools for School supply donations
Randleman Walmart school supply Tools for Schools donations
Congratulations to our 2024-2025 Teacher of the Year Finalists! Elizabeth Tillery - Trinity High School Harmonee Klein - Hopewell Elementary School Lauren Wood - Randolph Early College High School Sarah Davis - Randleman High School William Villano - Uwharrie Ridge Six-Twelve
6 months ago, Randolph County School System
Teacher of the Year Finalists
The RCSS has a great team of folks who get our students to and from school. THANK YOU to our Bus Drivers and Transportation Department for getting our students to school safely. We couldn't have school without you - you are appreciated!
6 months ago, Randolph County School System
SWRHS area bus drivers
PG/ER/RHS bus drivers
Wheatmore area bus drivers
Attention Ramseur Elementary families - information on the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) for the 2024-2025 school year!
6 months ago, Randolph County School System
Ramseur Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program information
Ramseur Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program information - Spanish
Help us welcome the Randolph County School System beginning teachers for the 2024-2025 school year! We are so happy to have each of you!
6 months ago, Randolph County School System
2024-2025 Beginning Teachers
The first day of school for Randolph Early College High School was today! Staff and administration were happy to greet students returning to class after the summer break!
6 months ago, Randolph County School System