Reminder: Friday, October 4 is a teacher workday.
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
October 4 - Teacher Workday
Thank you to our school system's community partners during the 2023-2024 school year! We could not do what we do without YOU!
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
2023-2024 Community Partners
Attention! School will be closed tomorrow, 9/27/2024.
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
9/27/24 School cancelation
Attention: Resources for high school students taking RCC courses.
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
Resources for students taking RCC courses
Principals Ms. Jamie Armfield (Seagrove ES), Ms. Paula LaPlant (Southmont ES), and Mr. Brian Hodgin (SWRHS) joined Mr. Crider today for classroom walkthroughs as they conducted a Vertical Visit by "Meeting in the Middle...School" at SWRMS!
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
Vertical Visit Cougar Country
Congratulations to Susan Chappell, RCSS 2024-2025 Principal of the Year!
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
Susan Chappell - Principal of the Year
Please click the link below for a transcript of the phone message from the Superintendent to parents on 9/20/24 regarding the early release on Thursday, September 26.
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
9/20/24 Early Release Day
Congratulations to Lindy Kirkman, 5th grade teacher at Randleman Middle School who is the winner of the Thomas Tire & Automotive’s $500 Extra Mile Teacher Grant! Lindy was nominated as a special teacher who goes the “extra mile” each and every day to educate her students.
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
Lindy Kirkman, Grant recipient
Recognized at tonight's Board of Education meeting: STAR Employees for September:
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
Star Employees for September
Recognized at tonight's Board of Education meeting: STAR3 Students for September:
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
September Star3 Students
Introducing our 2024-2025 ESL Team! Thank you for your hard work and dedication to our Multilingual Learners!
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
2024-2025 ESL team
We are hiring! Join our team! Visit this link for more information:
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
We are Hiring!
The Randolph County School System represented yesterday and today at the Latine Education Summit in Winston Salem.
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
Latine Education Summit
This morning, Grays Chapel Elementary held a 9/11 remembrance ceremony to mark 23 years since that tragic day in US history. Pictures tell this morning's story as students placed American flags in "Sandy's Garden" before the ceremony began. Principal Lori Johnson and several Grays Chapel students spoke to the crowd about the events of 9/11/01 and what Freedom means. The students sang Patriotic songs and we all participated in the Pledge of Allegiance. Sandy Waugh Bradshaw attended Grays Chapel from K-8th grade and graduated from Eastern Randolph High School. May we never forget the sacrifice Sandy and others made on that day in history!
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
9/11 Ceremony at GC
9/11 Ceremony at GC
9/11 Ceremony at GC
9/11 Ceremony at GC
9/11 Ceremony at GC
9/11 Ceremony at GC
9/11 Ceremony at GC
9/11 Ceremony at GC
9/11 Ceremony at GC
9/11 Ceremony at GC
This morning's annual 9-11 Remembrance Service at Eastern Randolph High School. 23 years...May we never forget the sacrifices made for our freedom!
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
9/11 Ceremony ERHS
9/11 Ceremony - ERHS, dance team
9/11 Ceremony - ERHS, dance team
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
GCES 9/11 Ceremony
2025 Graduation Dates
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
RCSS 2025 Graduation Dates
Thank you to the Randolph County Correctional Center for the donation of school supplies last week! We greatly appreciate our community partners and their support of our students!
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
School supply donations
Attention Seniors - Beginning September 30th use the College Connect simplified process to apply to multiple NC colleges at one time!
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
College Connect information
"Thank you" to our community friends who support RCSS! Amanda Meadows and some of her friends, collected school supplies for the Randolph County School System. We appreciate all who donated so that RCSS students can have the supplies they need for the new school year!
5 months ago, Randolph County School System
School supply donors with donations