Wheatmore High School - 2024-2025 Signature School

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Wheatmore High School is proud to be the home of the Wheatmore Warriors. Since opening its doors in September 2009, initially serving grades 9-11, Wheatmore High School has been dedicated to fostering student success. The school celebrated its first graduating class in June 2011. Wheatmore High School’s mission is to ensure every students success by creating a student-centered environment, promoting a positive school culture, and instilling a sense of pride and ownership in our community. Our daily vision is to nurture a collaborative learning culture that emphasizes respect and school pride. In short, we live by the values of Honor, Pride, and Valor.

Wheatmore High School is a comprehensive high school that strives to meet the needs of all students through a wide offering of academic, social and athletic opportunities. We have 38 highly qualified teachers directing learning opportunities in core areas of instruction, Advanced Placement classes, world language and over seven career and technical clusters that expose our students to real life application of what is learned in the classroom. Wheatmore High School offers twenty-one varsity sports, over 10 special interest clubs including the popular student council and a high performing FFA career technical student organization. We are excited to be adding a drone program next year to enhance the learning of students interested in this fast-growing career market. Our Cultural Arts programs boast award winning Choral and Band programs. Those classes coupled with our outstanding art classes provide students with a wide range of ways to tap into their passion and extend their learning beyond the classroom.

The graduating class of 2024 sent forty three percent of the students to a four-year institution, thirty two percent to a two-year technical school and five percent directly to a trade school. The seniors of the class of 2024 earned $3,872,465 in financial assistance to further their educational ambitions.

Wheatmore High School is on a three-year mission to raise our school performance grade (SPG) to an A grade through a comprehensive program focused on student attendance, graduation rate, ACT and ACT WorkKeys performance and developing a Career Ready student. Our most current SPG demonstrates a commitment to our collaborative culture and focus of learning with a 6 point move from 68 C to 74 B.  Our school goal per year is to move our SPG by 4 points minimum each year in order to achieve the grade of 85 A. Of the teachers that their growth measure is calculated from EVAAS data, 6 exceeded growth and nine met growth for a school accountability measure of 2.17, exceeded growth.

Through the effective use of our remediation and enrichment period, proactive counselors that develop career plans and dedicated teachers focused on best practices during their PLC time, Wheatmore High School is positioned to continue to meet the needs of every student each day in an inviting and inclusive learning environment.