Trindale Elementary School kicked off their new student incentive program, "Shining Stars" this month. The "Shining Stars" program promotes positive behavior and attendance for students by rewarding individuals, as well as whole classes. Students may earn individual "SuperStars" that can be exchanged for various items or incentives such as lunch with the principal, fun trinkets, and being a teacher's helper. Classes earn "StarBucks" by showing class-wide positive behavior in all areas of the school, and as classes bank their bucks, they earn more incentives! Finally, to promote positive attendance, the class per grade level with the most days of perfect attendance will win a class-wide incentive such as extra recess, while the overall school winner wins an even bigger incentive! Students and staff at Trindale are excited to recognize and celebrate all of our "Shining Stars" this year!

"Trindale Elementary Shines Bright with New 'Shining Stars' Incentive Program"
November 14, 2024