Students in Dr. Coco's ELA Class Celebrate Reading Growth with Robotics Fun

Students in Dr. Coco's ELA class had an exciting reason to celebrate their hard work and progress! After demonstrating remarkable reading growth from the beginning of the year (BOY) to the middle of the year (MOY), these dedicated learners were rewarded with a unique and engaging activity: a morning of robotics fun.

This allowed students to explore coding, teamwork, and creativity as they built robots that, once operational, would draw pictures. The smiles and laughter reflected both the students' accomplishments and the thrill of trying something new.

Seeing their enthusiasm for learning—whether it's through reading or robotics—is inspiring Celebrating growth reminds students of what they can achieve with perseverance.

Thank you to Dr. Coco for arranging this activity and congratulations to Dr. Coco's students for their outstanding effort and growth!

Students in Dr. Coco's ELA Class Celebrate Reading Growth with Robotics Fun