Drivers Education
Page is current as of March 18, 2025
Last updated March 13, 2025
Upcoming class information found under the Driver Education Classroom section.
Registration for the RECHS and UR- 6-12 students is below under Driver Education Classroom.
Seat Confirmation emails were sent out March 12, 2025 for the Saturday driver education class that will be held at Eastern Randolph High School beginning on April 12, 2025.
The company DMV.Org is NOT an approved North Carolina Driving School. Do not take driver education through this company. Here is their website link so as not to use it DMV.Org Site.
This is also NOT an approved North Carolina Driving School (
Please look at the following website.
North Carolina REAL ID...please click and read the information.
North Carolina DMV...Graduated Licensing (Permit)
If you need to make up any test or time you will need to get in touch with the driver education instructor who is teaching the class at your school to make arrangements. Driver education classes are IN-PERSON at the high schools.
(UR-6-12 students will need to attend driver education at SWRHS or RECHS.)
On average it takes six months to complete driver education. This includes the classroom and driving sessions. This is if the student has no extracurricular activities.
Click Here for Student Eligibility
Click Here for Homeschool and Private schools
Driver Education Classroom
*Please note that if you register for a class and decide not to take the class for any reason or are a no show you will be dropped from the class and will not be given a seat until six months later. You will also forfeit your driver education fee. This also applies if you are dismissed from the class for any reason. This includes school suspensions. We cannot work around extracurricular activities. We are an extracurricular activity. If in doubt DO NOT SIGN UP. Do not sign up for a class if you think you may make the "TEAM". We have many students wanting a seat in the driver education classes. This means you took a seat that could have gone to another student. If you have been given two previous seats you are ineligible to take driver education.*
If you are a graduating senior and have not completed the classroom part of driver education six months prior to your last day in school you will not be able to complete the driving portion of driver education.
Please know we are strict with the above policy.
You must be 14½ years old on the day the class begins to be eligible for the class.
Normally we have two classes in the Fall, two classes in the Spring, one class in June, and one class in July. We must have 35 students in a class for it to make. Our smaller schools may not have this many classes. Over the last years enrollment at some of our once large schools have declined.
November or December
Sometime in February or March
When a student receives a seat in a driver education class there is a NON-REFUNDABLE $65 driver education fee that is due on or before the first day of the class. This fee is forfeited if a student is dismissed from class or drops out of class for any reason or suspended from school.
CLICK HERE if you would like to add your contact information for be informed when the next class registration becomes available at your school.
RECHS and UR 6-12 students CLICK HERE to register for the April 22, 2025 class that will be held at RECHS.
For WHS students we have a class tentatively scheduled to start in May. I am waiting on dates from the instructor. No registration is available at this time.
For RHS students we have a class tentatively scheduled to start in May. No registration is available at this time.
For SWRHS students we have no class scheduled for May at this time. We may have a class or we may not.
For ERHS and PGHS we have no class scheduled for May at this time. We may have a class or we may not.
Usually our June classes will be at RHS, SWRHS, THS or WHS for these students, and ERHS or PGHS for these students.
Behind-the-Wheel Sessions
Once a student has completed ALL of the classroom requirements and paid the driver education fee a driver education instructor will contact the student to schedule the student to drive. Students are placed in the scheduling book by the school they attend. The book is organized by when the class ended then oldest to youngest that was in that class that completed all the requirements including driver education fee. (EX. A younger student from a September class will be scheduled before an older student from a November class.) If you complete all requirements including the driver education fee at a later date you will be put in the scheduling book below those who have completed all requirements prior to you. Students will be called with one of the phone numbers we have on file when the student registered for the class. If there is no answer, the instructor will leave a message. If we are unable to reach the student we will keep the student in the scheduling book and try to schedule the student at a later date. At this time it can take four or five months before a student will know when they will drive once they finish the class. Some of our instructors are coaching multiple sports after school.
We will call students when we are ready to schedule them to do the behind-the-wheel training. They do not register for it. We schedule those who have successfully completed the classroom part of driver education.
The student will need to show the driver education car instructor a copy of their birth certificate before a completed driver education certificate will be issued.
The student must be picked up immediately after the driving session is over. If the student cannot arrange an immediate pick up we cannot drive the student.
Why has my child not been scheduled to drive?
He or she has taken the classroom portion already.
The student usually hasn't paid the $65 driver education fee to the high school in a timely manner (while the class was being taught).
The student hasn't passed all the necessary tests for the class.
The student hasn't completed the DMV time requirement for the class (30 hours).
The student hasn't come to the DMV eye/medical check that was scheduled for that class.
If you have paid the driver education fee after the classroom is over please email me a copy of the receipt so that I can update my records, otherwise the record may continue to show that the fee needs to be paid. My email is