Student Enrollment

Children who are legally domiciled in the Randolph County School System attendance zone are eligible to attend the school that serves the area in which they reside.

Board of Education policy and NC State Law require that the parent or legal guardian of the child(ren) must establish legal residence in Randolph County.

Requests for a change of schools and other educational requests can be made only by the parent or legal guardian of the child(ren). Notarized statements or agreements between parties (such as between the parent and grandparent of a child) are not sufficient for either enrollment of a child or to request a school assignment change. Scroll down for additional information regarding the process for requesting a school assignment change.

Students who reside in Randolph County, but whose parents request that they be allowed to attend a school in the Archdale-Trinity Tax district, if approved, are required to pay a special tuition.

State law was amended in 1997 relative to admitting a select group of 4-year old children to Kindergarten. The criteria for enrollment are very specific and require special testing and other documentation. Click here for specific details on the requirements for enrolling 4-year-olds in kindergarten.

Documentation/Information Required for Enrollment

Parents or legal custodians must provide the school the following documents:

  • Birth certificate of student*

  • Picture identification of the parent or legal custodian (DMV Id, Driver’s License, Passport)

  • Proof of current residency document (power bill, water bill, gas bill)

  • Previous school records (if applicable)

Within 30 calendar days of the first day of attendance, each student must show evidence of age-appropriate vaccinations in accordance with G.S. 130A-154b. Furthermore, all students entering a North Carolina public school for the first time, regardless of grade level, must furnish a health assessment pursuant to G.S. 130A-440 within 30 calendar
days of enrollment.

*Certified Birth Certificates for Pupils born within Randolph County can be ordered through the Randolph County Register of Deeds Office.