School Social Workers
School Social Workers assist in times of crisis. These individuals are specifically trained to help schools, families and students during traumatic events (abuse, death, rape, serious injuries, suicide, school violence, natural disasters, etc.) Schools are equipped to send out teams of support for many of the events identified, with School Social Workers being vital to crisis teams.
School Social Workers make referrals. Social Workers can help provide referrals and resources in helping meet the needs of both schools and families. These needs include, but are not limited to:
Mental Health Counseling, Healthcare, Substance Abuse Prevention/Counseling, Tutoring/Mentoring, Legal Aid, Food/ Clothing/Shelter/Clothes/Transportation, Abuse or Neglect, Chronic Attendance or Tardy Issues.
Overall, the Randolph County School System Social Workers promote and enhance the overall academic mission by providing services that strengthen home/school/community connections. School Social Workers significantly contribute to the development of a healthy, safe and caring environment by advancing the understanding of the emotional and social development of children, while recognizing the influences of family, community and cultural differences on students' success. The principle role of the School Social Worker is to empower students, families and school personnel to access available opportunities and resources in order to fully reach their greatest potential.
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